Young adults to assist the priest at weekend and special liturgies. Contact the parish office if you are interested.
Altar Servers
A wonderful ministry that enables the boys and girls of our parish to take an active role in our weekly liturgies; it is open to children age 10 and over who have made their First Holy Communion. Training is provided. Contact the parish office for more information. Contact the parish office at 206-362-1545 or
[email protected].
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are priests and deacons, but in cases where there is a larger community, and a greater need, fully initiated Catholic Christians may be commissioned by the Pastor to serve the community. Training and formation are required. Contact the parish office at 206-362-1545 or
[email protected].
Prepare and proclaim the readings during weekly liturgies. The ministry of Lector is open to fully initiated Catholic Christians. Training is provided. Contact: parish office, (206) 362-1545.
Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers)
A ministry of welcoming and service! We greet the congregation as they arrive, help them find seating, pick up the collection and direct the faithful to communion stations. Contact the parish office at 206-362-1545 or
[email protected].
Music Ministers
The goal of this ministry is to engage the community in participation in the Mass through song and praise. Contact the parish office for general information.